Understanding the Difference Between Acceptance Criteria and Definition of Done

In the Agile software development and project management domain, it’s pretty common for the terms acceptance criteria and Definition of Done (DoD) to be used interchangeably.

However, they actually refer to two separate concepts. These two terms are often confused, but they have distinct roles and characteristics.

It’s crucial for those working in the industry to understand the differences between these two terms, as they play a vital role in ensuring that projects are completed successfully and to the satisfaction of the customer or end user.

This article will provide an overview of acceptance criteria, the definition of done, and the acceptance criteria vs Definition of Done comparison to properly highlight the difference.

It’s also important to have a clear understanding of Product Increment and user stories to fully grasp these concepts.

What is a Product Increment?

There are 3 artifacts in Scrum which are the Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, and Increment. The Scrum artifacts represent value and maximize transparency.

A Product Increment in Scrum is a combination of all the Product Backlog items that have been completed during a sprint and the value that they bring to the overall product.

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What is Acceptance Criteria

What is Acceptance Criteria?

Acceptance criteria are specific requirements that a Product Backlog item or user story must meet in order to be accepted by the customer.

A user story is a short description of a requirement of the Product Owner for the product. It is typically 3 lines and is agreed upon by the Product Owner and Developers.

An example of a user story for an app could be: “I want the app to be able to assign tasks to workers. The worker should receive a notification for the task. They should be able to accept or decline the task”.

The agreed-upon requirement’s behavior is the acceptance requirement of the user story. The user story is complete when it satisfies the acceptance criteria of the functionality.

The criteria provide guidance and details about the functionality of a user story and are used to validate the story to ensure that it meets the needs of the customer.

Acceptance criteria are typically written by the Product Owner and are a way of communicating the requirements of a user story to all parties involved.

While acceptance criteria are not required in Scrum, they’re recommended as a way to ensure that user stories are clear, testable, and actionable.

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Who is in Charge of the Acceptance Criteria?

The Product Owner typically defines the Acceptance Criteria in collaboration with stakeholders and customers.

The Product Owner is responsible for ensuring that the acceptance criteria for Product Backlog items, including user stories, are clear and testable.

They’re also in charge of ensuring that the acceptance criteria are met before a Product Increment is deemed complete.

It’s important to note that the Developers are also responsible for developing and validating the acceptance criteria.

They collaborate closely with the Product Owner to clarify and comprehend the requirements, as well as to ensure that the acceptance criteria are testable and achievable within the sprint.

Since they’ll be implementing the features, the Developers also contribute to the acceptance criteria and testing. They can ensure that the acceptance criteria are testable and verifiable.

What is the Definition of Done

What is the Definition of Done (DoD)?

Each of the 3 Scrum artifacts has a commitment that provides a focal point to measure progress. For the Product Increment, the commitment is the Definition of Done (DoD).

The Definition of Done defines the criteria that a Product Increment must meet before it can be considered complete and ready for release.

It’s a shared understanding and agreement among the Developers, stakeholders, and customers about what constitutes a done Product Increment.

For each sprint, an Increment is born when a Product Backlog item meets the Definition of Done. Note that each Increment is in addition to previous Increments and they must all work together.

The Definition of Done helps ensure that everyone has a clear understanding of what needs to be done and what quality is expected.

It’s important to understand that the Definition of Done is a living document that can be updated and refined as the team gains more experience and knowledge

Who is in Charge of the Definition of Done?

The Definition of Done is a common understanding and agreement among the development team, stakeholders, and customers on what constitutes a done Product Increment.

It isn’t the responsibility of a single person or role, but of the entire Scrum Team.

Before a Product Increment is considered complete, the Developers are primarily responsible for ensuring that it meets Definition of Done requirements.

They’re the ones who determine what needs to be done to get the Product Increment ready for release and check if the Product Increment meets the Definition of Done requirements before it is accepted as done.

The Product Owner is also in charge of ensuring that the product backlog items meet the Definition of Done before they’re accepted.

They collaborate with the Developers to ensure that the product backlog items are of high quality and meet the Definition of Done before being delivered to the customer.

The Scrum Master is in charge of facilitating the Definition of Done creation and maintenance process.

They assist the team in developing a shared understanding of what “done” entails and ensuring that the Definition of Done is followed throughout the sprint.

Acceptance Criteria vs Definition of Done

Acceptance Criteria vs Definition of Done

While the Definition of Done and acceptance criteria all relate to the development and completion of user stories in Agile software development, they each have distinct characteristics and roles.

The acceptance criteria provide specific requirements for a user story to be accepted by the customer and are used to test the functionality of the story. This is specific to one story or Product Backlog item.

The Definition of Done on the other hand is the overall quality and readiness standard that the Increment must meet before it can be released.

While the Definition of Done and acceptance criteria both apply to individual user stories, the DoD is intended to be applicable to all items in the Product Backlog, while acceptance criteria only apply to a single story.

Also, the acceptance criteria are the responsibility of the Product Owner or customer, while the Definition of Done is a shared agreement of the entire team comprising the Developers, Product, Owner, customer, and stakeholders.

Acceptance Criteria and Definition of Done Similarities

Now that we have established the key differences between acceptance criteria and the Definition of Done, let’s look at what they happen to have in common.

Acceptance Criteria and the Definition of Done share several similarities in that they both define what constitutes a done Product Increment.

Acceptance criteria and the Definition of Done both contribute to ensuring that the Developers are working toward a common goal and that the resulting Product Increment is of high quality.

They both establish clear expectations for the team and stakeholders, as well as aid in ensuring that the Product Increment meets the needs of the customers.

Both the acceptance criteria and the Definition of Done are used to track the progress and quality of the Product increment.

Furthermore, both the acceptance criteria and the Definition of Done are living documents that can be updated and refined as the team’s experience and knowledge grows.

The acceptance criteria and the DoD should be reviewed on a regular basis and updated as needed to reflect the project’s and stakeholders’ changing needs.


While acceptance criteria are not an explicit part of Scrum according to the Scrum Guide, they do fit the Definition of Done very well.

They work together to ensure you deliver a product with the functionality your customers require, at a quality you can be proud of by playing their distinct roles.

David Usifo (PSM, MBCS, PMP®)
David Usifo (PSM, MBCS, PMP®)

David Usifo is a certified Project Management professional, professional Scrum Master, and a BCS certified Business Analyst with a background in product development and database management.

He enjoys using his knowledge and skills to share with aspiring and experienced Project Managers and Business Analysts the core concept of value-creation through adaptive solutions.

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