
A Comprehensive Guide to Regression Testing for Agile Teams

When building software products incrementally using Agile, there is always a possibility that new code changes could end up breaking the existing functionality.

So how exactly do Agile teams ensure that this doesn’t happen? The answer lies in the use of Agile regression testing to verify the new code against the old.

In this post, we’ll explore the role of regression testing in Agile, when it’s done, how to implement it properly, its advantages and challenges, plus best practices.

You’ll learn everything you need to know to leverage regression testing and test automation strategically in your Agile workflows.

What is Regression Testing in Agile?

Regression testing is the process of validating that your software’s existing functionalities still work as expected after new code changes or enhancements have been made.

As an Agile tester, you likely introduce frequent code updates and new features. Regression testing helps ensure these code changes don’t negatively impact your software’s stability or break existing functionalities.

Essentially, regression testing involves re-running test cases that cover key aspects of your software to check for bugs or issues introduced by code changes to ensure your software remains reliable throughout Agile development iterations.

Regression testing aligns closely with Agile principles since Agile teams release software frequently.

Conducting regression testing between iterations helps minimize risks and provides rapid feedback on the impact of changes, enabling teams to respond quickly.

Regression testing is a continuous process deeply embedded into the Agile lifecycle giving teams confidence that quality is maintained throughout iterative development.

Importance of Agile Regression Testing

Regression testing is crucial for Agile software development and provides several key benefits:

Maintains Quality

By re-testing key functionalities, regression testing ensures your software’s overall quality is maintained after continuous code changes. It safeguards against bugs to provide a smooth user experience.

Reduces Risks

Regression testing minimizes risks associated with changing code by detecting issues early. Finding and fixing defects quickly reduces failures in production.

Validates New Features

When new features are added, regression testing validates they work as expected while checking for impacts on existing functionalities. This ensures seamless integration of enhancements.

Facilitates Frequent Releases

By embedding regression testing into development iterations, Agile teams can release code frequently and safely which aligns with Agile principles of continuous delivery.

Provides Feedback

Regression testing provides rapid feedback on the effects of code changes, enabling prompt corrective action to support faster development cycles.

When is Regression Testing Done in Agile?

As an Agile tester, you’ll want to conduct regression testing at multiple points in your development lifecycle. These include:

  • After new code changes or feature additions
  • At the start and end of each Sprint
  • Before major releases or production deployments
  • Following any critical bug fixes
  • When refactoring code or updating platforms

Essentially, regression testing should be performed continuously throughout Agile development. It validates your software after any changes that could introduce risks.

Aim to detect and address regression issues as early as possible. The more frequently you perform regression testing, the quicker you can respond to any emerging defects.

While Agile enables rapid development, don’t compromise on regression testing. Embed it into your iterations and releases to protect quality. The right balance means releasing faster without sacrificing stability.

How To Implement Regression Testing in Agile

Implementing effective regression testing in Agile requires planning and consistency. By planning regression testing upfront and integrating it throughout development cycles, you can release quality software rapidly in an Agile environment.

Follow these best practices:

Define Scope and Objectives

First, determine the scope and objectives of regression testing based on critical functionalities, high-risk areas, and other priorities. Define what you aim to validate.

Select Regression Test Types

Decide which regression testing types suit your needs, such as:

  • Test automation for repetitive tests
  • Selective test suites to focus on high-priority features
  • Exploratory testing for new functions
  • A hybrid approach

Create Modular Test Cases

Break down test cases into modular, reusable components that you can mix and match for flexible regression testing, and maintain version control.

Prioritize Test Cases

Identify high-priority test cases covering key functionalities and high-risk areas. Focus on validating these first during regression testing cycles.

Establish Testing Environments

Set up dedicated regression testing environments that closely match production, and ensure test data consistency across cycles.

Leverage Test Automation

Automate regression tests to execute them rapidly across browser and device combinations as this makes frequent re-testing cost-effective.

Schedule Testing Cycles

Plan when regression testing cycles will occur, such as after each Sprint or release, then schedule strategically based on team cadence.

Test Early, Test Often

Start regression testing early, even on individual code merges. Test often to detect issues quickly. Integrate testing into your Agile workflows.

Advantages of Regression Testing in Agile

Adopting continuous regression testing in your Agile workflows provides many benefits:

  • Detects Regression Defects Early: By testing often, you can identify issues introduced by code changes quickly. This enables faster resolution.
  • Maintains Software Stability: Frequent regression testing ensures your codebase remains reliable even with constant changes.
  • Reduces Risk: Catching regressions early minimizes the chances of major failures down the line.
  • Improves Customer Satisfaction: High quality stable software with minimal bugs delivers better user experiences.
  • Validates New Features: You can seamlessly integrate enhancements knowing they don’t break existing flows.
  • Enables Rapid Releases: Regression testing gives the confidence to release frequently during Agile Sprints.
  • Provides Fast Feedback: Early feedback from regression testing supports a fail-fast mindset and faster iterations.
  • Reduces Long-term Costs: Fixing bugs early is more cost-effective than later in production.
  • Complements Agile Principles: Continuous testing aligns with iterative development.

Disadvantages of Regression Testing in Agile

While regression testing offers many benefits, it also comes with some potential drawbacks to consider:

  • Time-consuming: Running comprehensive regression test suites takes significant time and effort which can contend with Agile timeboxes.
  • Resource Intensive: Adequate regression testing requires sufficient testing tools, environments, and human resources.
  • Scope Management: Balancing regression test coverage versus new test cases as features expand can be tricky.
  • Test Maintenance: As requirements evolve, regression test cases and data need ongoing updates.
  • Automation Challenges: Upfront investment is required to automate regression suites for long-term gains.
  • Dependency Tracking: Understanding dependencies is key to identifying suitable regression tests for code changes.
  • Analysis Overhead: Data analysis and triage are needed to interpret results and identify root causes.
  • Coverage Gaps: Even rigorous regression testing cannot guarantee zero defects.
  • Redundancy: As the codebase grows, redundancy may emerge in regression test suites.
  • Adaptability: Testing processes require flexibility to adapt to Agile workflows.

Agile Regression Testing Best Practices

To maximize the effectiveness of regression testing in Agile environments, keep these best practices in mind:

1. Start Testing Early

Begin regression testing as early as possible, even at the start of development as this establishes a solid foundation to build upon.

2. Test Continuously

Embed regression testing into your Agile workflows continuously, not just before releases. This supports rapid feedback and issue resolution.

3. Prioritize Tests

Prioritize test cases covering high-risk, high visibility, and frequently used functionalities. Focus on validating these areas first.

4. Leverage Test Automation

Automate regression test suites to enable frequent re-testing without excessive overhead as this makes Agile testing scalable.

5. Establish Traceability

Maintain clear traceability between code changes and corresponding test cases to enable targeted regression testing.

6. Define Exit Criteria

Define regression testing cycle exit criteria based on coverage, defects found, time, and other factors to prevent endless re-testing.

7. Analyze Results

Analyze regression test results thoroughly to identify root causes, patterns, and improvements for the next cycles, then make data-driven decisions.

8. Refine Continuously

Adaptability is key. So, continuously evaluate and refine regression testing strategies based on results, new learnings, and changing needs.

9. Foster Collaboration

Promote collaboration between developers, QA, and business teams for alignment on regression testing objectives.

Example of Regression Testing

Let’s explore a regression testing example for an e-commerce website:

The website has key flows like user registration, browsing products, adding items to cart, and checkout. The QA team has already tested these flows thoroughly over multiple sprints and has an extensive regression test suite.

Now in the current Sprint, the dev team implements a new feature allowing users to save items to a wishlist for future purchase.

The QA team first develops new automated test cases to validate the end-to-end wishlist functionality – creating wishlists, adding/removing items, and viewing saved wishlists.

Next, they determine regression tests needed to ensure this new feature does not impact existing flows. Since the wishlist interacts with product browsing and the cart, they execute targeted regression test cases related to:

  • Product searching
  • Adding items to cart
  • Cart display and calculations
  • Checkout process

By taking this incremental regression testing approach focused on impacted areas, they can verify the site’s core functionality remains intact after adding the wishlist feature.

Any defects found during regression testing are logged and retested once fixed by developers. Comprehensive regression testing gives the confidence to release the changes without impacting business critical workflows.

This example demonstrates how new feature additions can be validated against core functionality through selective and automated regression testing, aligned with Agile principles.

Regression Testing Tools

Regression testing tools empower teams to automate and scale regression testing efficiently. Here are some top options:

1. Testsigma

Testsigma enables codeless test automation for web, mobile, and API testing. Key features include:

  • Codeless authoring of test cases using natural language
  • Cloud-based execution across 2000+ real browsers and devices
  • Integration with CI/CD pipelines
  • Parallel test execution for faster testing
  • Test maintenance with self-healing mechanisms
  • Support for cross-browser regression testing

2. Selenium

Selenium is an open-source automation framework ideal for web app regression testing. Its key features include:

  • Supports test scripts in various languages like Java, C#, Python
  • Enables cross-browser test automation
  • Integrates with frameworks like JUnit and TestNG
  • Parallel test execution capability

3. Cypress

Cypress is a developer-friendly JavaScript E2E testing framework. Its key features include:

  • Simple syntax for writing automated regression test scripts
  • Runs tests directly in the browser for fast feedback
  • Enables screenshots, videos, and debugging capabilities
  • Dashboard for test results and reporting

4. Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio facilitates test automation through an intuitive interface. Its key features include:

  • User-friendly automation environment
  • Mobile and web test execution
  • Integration with CI/CD pipelines
  • GUI object spy and recording tools
  • Generating reports and analytics

Evaluate options to determine which tool best fits your team’s regression testing needs and frameworks.

Regression Testing Techniques

Teams can choose from several regression testing techniques based on their goals, scope, and resources:

Unit Testing

Unit testing involves testing individual units or components of code in isolation. Its key features are:

  • Helps validate smallest units of code are functioning properly
  • Enables targeted testing of specific components
  • Supports test-driven development approaches
  • Performed during development stages

Smoke Testing

Smoke testing quickly validates critical functions and workflows. Its key features are:

  • Executes a subset of critical test cases first
  • Provides a high-level verification of key functionalities
  • Fast feedback on major regressions early
  • Ideal after significant code changes

Sanity Testing

Sanity testing determines if a new build is stable enough to undergo further testing. Its key features are:

  • Initial acceptance testing of a new build
  • Tests basic workflows and functionalities
  • Fast assessment of major flaws in a new build
  • Helps determine build stability

Integration Testing

Integration testing verifies interactions between components, modules, and interfaces. Its key features are:

  • Tests integration points and interdependencies
  • Identifies integration issues between units
  • Essential for validating regressions across integrated flows

In Summary

Regression testing is an integral part of Agile software development. By continuously re-testing and validating your application, you can detect regressions rapidly and protect quality.

Leverage test automation and adopt best practices like risk-based testing and test prioritization.

With the right focus and implementation, regression testing enables Agile teams to deliver software faster without sacrificing reliability. Keep it strategic, and you’ll reap the benefits of stable, rapid releases.


Is Regression Testing Done in UAT?

Yes, regression testing is commonly performed during user acceptance testing (UAT). UAT validates that the software works as expected from an end-user perspective.

Regression testing ensures any new features or fixes implemented since the last UAT cycle do not negatively impact existing functionality already accepted by users.

Is Regression Testing Done in Waterfall Model?

Yes, regression testing is an important testing type in the Waterfall model. It is typically conducted in the testing phase to validate that code changes made during development have not caused regressions in functionality.

Rigorous regression testing helps maintain software quality and stability between Waterfall stages.

At What Stage Is Regression Testing Done?

Regression testing is performed continuously throughout the software development lifecycle.

It is done during development after code changes, before and after sprints in Agile, before major releases, after bug fixes, during integration testing to validate integrations, and during user acceptance testing. The key is continuous regression testing across all stages.

Who Does Regression Testing in Agile?

In Agile teams, regression testing is a collaborative effort and responsibility shared by multiple roles.

The QA team leads test design, automation, and execution. Developers assist with unit testing. Business Analysts provide requirements for test coverage. Together, they ensure continuous regression testing occurs effectively in agile iterations.

Is Regression Testing a Functional Testing?

Regression testing and functional testing are related but distinct activities:

Regression testing re-runs test cases to validate existing functionality after changes. Functional testing validates software against functional requirements and specifications.

While regression testing focuses on existing flows, functional testing assesses broader compliance to functionality. Regression testing can be viewed as a subset of functional testing.

David Usifo (PSM, MBCS, PMP®)
David Usifo (PSM, MBCS, PMP®)

David Usifo is a certified project manager professional, professional Scrum Master, and a BCS certified Business Analyst with a background in product development and database management.

He enjoys using his knowledge and skills to share with aspiring and experienced project managers and product developers the core concept of value-creation through adaptive solutions.

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