
How to Calculate WSJF for Prioritizing the Program Backlog

Are you struggling to prioritize your Program Backlog? Then discover the power of WSJF, a proven technique to maximize value and minimize risk.

The importance of prioritizing work items effectively in the field of Agile project management can’t be overstated.

Hence the need to share with you a comprehensive guide to calculating WSJF, or Weighted Shortest Job First, to prioritize your Program Backlog.

With WSJF which is a powerful technique helping you make better decisions, you are sure to deliver more value in your projects.

What is WSJF?

Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF) is a prioritization method used in Agile project management, specifically in the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe).

WSJF helps teams prioritize their Program Backlog by considering the value, urgency, and risk associated with each work item.

The method is based on the Lean principle of maximizing the flow of value through a system.

The Components of WSJF

There are four main components that make up the WSJF calculation:

1. User-Business Value (UBV)

This represents the value that a work item brings to the end-users and the business. It can include factors such as revenue generation, cost savings, customer satisfaction, and competitive advantage.

2. Time Criticality (TC)

Time Criticality considers the urgency of a work item. It takes into account factors such as deadlines, dependencies, and the potential loss of value due to delays.

3. Risk Reduction and Opportunity Enablement (RROE)

This component evaluates the extent to which a work item reduces risks or enables new opportunities.

Risk reduction can include addressing technical debt, regulatory compliance, or improving system reliability. Opportunity enablement can involve opening new markets or enhancing product features.

4. Job Size (JS)

Job Size represents the effort required to complete a work item. This can be estimated using story points, ideal days, or other sizing methods.

Calculating WSJF To Prioritize the Program Backlog

To calculate WSJF for a work item, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Determine the User-Business Value (UBV): Assign a numerical value to the work item based on its contribution to the business and end-users. This can be done using a scale, such as 1 to 10, or by assigning relative weights to different factors.
  2. Assess the Time Criticality (TC): Evaluate the urgency of the work item and assign a numerical value, again using a scale or relative weights.
  3. Evaluate the Risk Reduction and Opportunity Enablement (RROE): Assign a numerical value to the work item based on its potential to reduce risks or enable new opportunities.
  4. Estimate the Job Size (JS): Determine the effort required to complete the work item using your preferred sizing method.
  5. Calculate WSJF: Use the formula WSJF = (UBV + TC + RROE) / JS to calculate the WSJF value for the work item. A higher WSJF value indicates a higher priority.
  6. Prioritize work items: Rank the work items in your program backlog based on their WSJF values, with the highest values taking precedence.

Best Practices for Using WSJF

To effectively use WSJF for prioritizing your Program Backlog, consider the following best practices:

  1. Engage stakeholders: Involve relevant stakeholders in the process of determining the values for UBV, TC, RROE, and JS. This ensures that you capture diverse perspectives and increase buy-in for the prioritization decisions.
  2. Establish clear criteria for each component: Develop a shared understanding of the factors that contribute to UBV, TC, RROE, and JS, and create guidelines for assigning numerical values to these factors.
  3. Continuously refine the process: As you gain experience with WSJF, regularly review and adjust your criteria and prioritization process to better align with your organization’s goals and context.
  4. Balance WSJF with other prioritization factors: While WSJF can provide valuable insights, it’s important to consider other factors, such as dependencies, team capacity, and strategic alignment, when making prioritization decisions.

Comparison with Other Prioritization Techniques

WSJF is just one of several prioritization techniques available to Agile practitioners. Here’s a brief comparison with a few others:

  1. MoSCoW method: This approach categorizes work items into four groups – Must have, Should have, Could have, and Won’t have. While it’s simple and easy to understand, it doesn’t provide a granular prioritization as WSJF does.
  2. Value vs. Effort matrix: This technique plots work items on a matrix based on their perceived value and effort required to complete them. The goal is to identify items with high value and low effort. However, this approach doesn’t account for factors like urgency and risk, which WSJF considers.
  3. Kano model: The Kano model focuses on customer satisfaction by classifying features into categories such as basic, performance, and delighter. While it can help prioritize features based on customer preferences, it doesn’t address other aspects like risk and urgency.

Implementing WSJF in Your Organization

To successfully integrate WSJF into your organization’s Agile practices, follow these steps:

  1. Introduce WSJF concepts: Educate team members and stakeholders on the principles and components of WSJF, and explain how it can help prioritize the program backlog more effectively.
  2. Train and coach team members: Provide training and coaching to help team members understand how to calculate WSJF values and apply the method in real-world situations.
  3. Integrate WSJF into existing processes: Adapt your existing Agile processes to incorporate WSJF prioritization, which may involve updating templates, tools, and meeting agendas.
  4. Track progress and measure success: Monitor the impact of using WSJF on project outcomes, such as value delivery, risk reduction, and project completion time. Use these insights to refine your prioritization process and demonstrate the value of WSJF to stakeholders.


In a nutshell, calculating WSJF to prioritize your program backlog can help you make more informed decisions, maximize value delivery, and minimize risk in your projects.

By understanding the components of WSJF, following best practices, and integrating the method into your organization’s Agile processes, you can improve your project outcomes and better meet the needs of your stakeholders.

As with any technique, it’s important to remember that WSJF is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Continually refining and adapting your prioritization process will enable you to stay aligned with your organization’s evolving goals and context.

Give WSJF a try, and see how it can help you deliver more value in your projects.

David Usifo (PSM, MBCS, PMP®)
David Usifo (PSM, MBCS, PMP®)

David Usifo is a certified Project Management professional, professional Scrum Master, and a BCS certified Business Analyst with a background in product development and database management.

He enjoys using his knowledge and skills to share with aspiring and experienced Project Managers and Business Analysts the core concept of value-creation through adaptive solutions.

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